Another great apple year. We got apples from all over, even as far away as Hereford, OR.
We squeezed approximately 18 gallons on Saturday. We filled two carboys and a 6 gallon bucket, and we factored in what people drank as the day progressed. Not a bad yield.
Dan and Melissa taking a break from the squeezing.
Terry, Shannen, Cora and Seth working the press.
The girls, Cora and Leah were able to get some time to bob for apples.
Leah, proudly displays her apple!!
On "the line" is Jim, Diane, Rush, Eleanor,Kathy, Eric and Julie.
Shannen taking the girls for a ride. They rode the 4-wheeler back and forth to the compost pile as they emptied the squeezings.
Cody and Dan cleaning the hopper getting ready to squeeze another batch.
Leah is holding a frog we found.
Cora is helping Dad pick apples.
Leah is enjoying a cider break.
Shannen pressing the apples.
Leah filling her cup again with fresh cider.
More bobbing for apples.
Seth, Cutter and Hayden do their turn at the tub bobbing for apples. Alot of sputtering goin on.
We celebrated October birthdays, Jeanne, Lisa, Seth, Mark and Dan
Julie getting ready to light candles and cut cakes. Dan's Grandma Eleanor is looking on.
At the cake/food table
Cody and Miara and Shannen running the squeezing operation.
The "boys", Shannen, Dan, Brian and Rush.
Aren't the apples beautiful!
Apple picking
Dan's Dad Boone is helping to wash the apples before they go on the line to be trimmed and any "protein" removed.
Eleanor, Bob, Eric, Jim, Diane, Rush working the line.
We had alot of apples to process.
This is what it looked like most of the day on Saturday. People milling about, working, eating, drinking and visiting. It was an awesome day with awesome people, and awesome weather, and awesome fellowship!!