Friday, October 28, 2011

Halloween Treats

I just made some cake balls for Halloween Treats. Very easy to do and quite pretty. Watch out Kids, you are getting these for Halloween, see ya on Monday.....

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Cider Time!!

Just a reminder: More pictures are on this entry, just click on the date tag to open the entry completely.

Although this year was not a bumper year for apples, we did round up about 120lbs worth to try out the press. Thanks cousin Dean for the press. This press was in the barn back in Iowa at Cousin Deans place. When we went back to Georgia last November we stopped by and picked it up. Terry re-furbished it, fixed up some of the old wood pieces that were broken and spruced it we are pressing the first apples through it!
The bottle of Brandy is ready for the first juices to fill the cup!!

Rush is in charge of the pressing part.

Mom, Jeanne and I (Damon did a turn as well) cut apples and did a bit of quality control.

The boys were in charge of the actually pressing. Damon fed the apples in, Terry pushed them into the hopper, Seth turned the chopper and Rush pressed. Quite a functional operation. We went through the apples in no time flat. We got about 3 gallons of juice total. We were all happy....a beautiful day....fresh cider....and chicken noodle soup and toasted sandwiches. It was a great day.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Plum Harvest

We have the BEST plum tree, it is a Satsuma, and this year it out did itself with big beautiful plums.

This is a picture of the plum cut open and one plum filled Emily's hand.

Emily picket out some of the biggest most beautiful for a close up.

As you can see, we picked three big boxes of these beauties!!

Monday, October 3, 2011

New blog features

As you can see the site looks a bit different. In order to fully see the postings each time you must click on the Date icon, it opens the page more completely so that you can view all the pictures.

Tahoe in the Fall

The Sugar Pine cones are ready. As you can kind of see they are covered with sticky sap, they sparkle in the sunshine.

We hiked to the top of the hill (something that is done each time we visit Thelma and Bobs) it is great exercise cause it is uphill and at 7017 feet above sea level so you really get a cardio workout!!

Surprised with a kiss for the pic.

The sun on the lake is fantastic. The shade from the trees makes for a beautiful silhouette shot.

Bear Sighting

As we were heading out of the Canyon on the way to Tahoe, we had noticed ALOT of bear "sign" in the we were kind of looking around just in case....and we came around a corner and a big black bear sow crossed the road right in front of us. She didn't immediately go into the bushes but stopped at the side of the road and looked as if she was going to climb a tree...looking up into the tree and then looking back at us. We couldn't get stopped in time so we went on around the corner turned around and came back....and she was still by the base of the tree and this is why....

We stopped and took a few photos but didn't want to disturb them, Mom bear stayed in the bushes below the tree watching us intently...