Saturday, April 3, 2010

"Cloudy With A Chance of Crappie:"

As I was looking off the deck this morning (we finally have a sunshiny day although the temp was 30 degrees) I saw something weird shiny in the yard by my flower beds.

So I went down to investigate. It was a crappie! Apparently a bird (could be a bald eagle since they are all moving back in. We have about 4 in the area swooping around) had caught his breakfast and as he was heading for his favorite tree to land in, his slippery tid bit got away....unfortunately for the fish he landed not in the river but in my yard. I am just glad that bald eagles don't catch larger things or else I would have to adopt the attitude of Chicken Little....or at least the latest Movie, but always my favorite book....Cloudy With A Change of Crappie???!!

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