Monday, July 26, 2010

We camped at Lolo Hot Springs on the return from the trip to Route of Hiawatha. It was great to soak the sore saddle in the hot springs. This is the view from our tent area. This is a beautiful campground and one of our favorite overnight spots.

At the border with Idaho and Montana along Hwy 12 they have an Interpretive Center for the Lewis and Clark expedition, which is another of our favorite places to stop. We walked the wetlands trail and took a few pictures.

As we followed Hwy 12 down the Lochsa Canyon we spotted a Moose eating out of one of the boggy areas, so we turned around to get a picture.

The Lochsa River is soooo pretty. The water is clear and in the sunshine was very sparkly, and the big timbers grow right up to the edge of the river.

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