Monday, March 26, 2007

Fire in the Canyon

We had such a terrible fire in the Canyon this last July. It was started by lightening strikes and by the time it was contained, it had scorched over 60,000 acres. It was burning right up to our back fences, and the smoke filled the canyon for weeks. You couldn't see down river or even across the river on some days. It was quite a terrifying experience, but the fire crews from BLM, Forrest Service and other Structure crews from all over the state were fantastic! Our daughter Melissa worked for the Northeast Oregon Fire Dispatch out of La Grande, OR during this fire. You could hear her over the radios of the fire crews as info was being passed on and directions given. It was a very anxious time for her as well, since she knows who lives in all these houses that the crews are fighting to protect.
I will post the picture of the B & B with the fire raging in the background.

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