Monday, March 26, 2007

Terry's fish

We went to Mazatlan with Terry's brother Russ and his wife Kristen last winter about this time of year. We had a great time and we got to check one more thing off of Terrys list of things to do. We were able to catch and land a Marlin. It was very exciting and we got some great photos of the marlin jumping out of the water etc. But here is the shot with Terry holding the fish at the dock. We got to take a portion of the fish for dinner that night and the rest was given to the orphanage for food. We took the fish to a local restaurant and they cooked it in a variety of ways and we had quite the feast. We even saved a bit of it to "cure" and had sushi. I personally didn't eat the raw stuff, cured or not. But Terry did and he didn't expire!! The picture show Terry and his brother Russ. I, of course, was behind the camera! You gotta love the white must be a family thing.

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