Wednesday, November 18, 2009

"I'm an old cowhand....."

Our friends Jim and Diane from Boise, won an overnight pack trip into the mountains at Cornucopia. In the first picture we are down at the stable waiting for our horses to be saddled etc. We had to have a mule pack string as well that took all the gear up to camp. It was a beautiful couple of days and we had a great time exploring.

We have finally gotten saddled up and are trying to figure out where the brakes are!!
Jim, Bob and Terry working their way up the trail. Hey, two hand on the reins there cowpoke!We did get to "let" our horses have a bite to eat every once in awhile. You can tell we run a tight formation when we are saddled up.After the night camped out on the mountain and the trip back down the mountain to the lodge, a hot shower and a celebratory beer or two, we went exploring at the old ghost town of Cornucopia. The boys are standing behind the old "hotel/brothel". It was on of the bigger building in the town ....imagine that. You notice that it is leaning slightly, so we didn't spend much time inside.
This was one trip to remember. A couple of us had not been on horseback for decades and some had not been on horseback at all. Luckily the stock are so well trained and behaved that it was an easy trip. There were a couple of rough spots with equipment and horse wrangling but all in all who can not have fun on top of the mountain with great friends.

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