Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Labor Day FUN

Sarah and Jessica
Over Labor Day this year, we did our annual river fest with Melissa and her friends. We get out on the boat as early as we can an kayak, fish, eat, play games, and drink beer.

Dirk and Sassy and Dirk and Sarah on the rock relaxing.
Emily, Sassy, Hazel, Piper and me. We were finishing lunch and as you can tell, you don't even put your pole down to eat.
Sarah's sister Nicole joined in the fun this year. It was her first on the river and hopefully not her last.

Tyler is thinking about something.......hummmm......probably how he can talk someone into throwing him another beer since he is so far away from the cooler.

This year, because the parade in Halfway was on Sunday morning instead of Monday the kids all went up for the parade and to scope out what was happening at the fairgrounds. Jessica, Sarah and Melissa ventured a ride.

But this is the kind of fun that we really come to the river for.

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